
About The Program

Are you an exhausted parent?

Are you determined to be a better mother or father?

Do you find yourself making promises to yourself to do things differently, but keep falling back into the same old patterns?

Are you often worrying that you are not doing it correctly?

You are not alone!

With our dynamic, experiential, and affordable program, The Balancing Act, you will be able to tap into a more abundant and peaceful energy and build a better connection with your child, without having to spend endless time and money on books, therapy, and workshops.


Mom with Little Girl

Parenting is one area of life that does not come with a manual.

It can be one of the most difficult roles to balance ourselves in, as we feel the desire to give our children the best – which often means that we give most of ourselves away.

But what do your children truly need? 

The last thing they need is;

Overworked, stressed and overwhelmed parents that are not able to be fully present during the precious moments they spend with their children.

The best gift you can give your children is becoming a happy, fulfilled, and present parent.


Only a few of us, however, are able to achieve fulfilment as parents on our own.

The truth is, parenting is an ever-evolving journey that requires support as we move through it. This is why we have created The Balancing Act, a 4 week dive into what may be running the treadmill beneath your feet and how to turn the dial down. In a sustainable way. 


You’ll begin to identify where you are overextending yourself and how that is not serving you or those around you. 

You will be able to tap into a more abundant and peaceful energy and build a better connection with your child.

About the Mentors

Mentor- Ashley

Before I became a mother 6 years ago, I thought I had my life all figured out,  yet I wasn’t quite sure what to expect on the parenting journey. I was trying to do ‘all the things’ that I thought to be right, and yet I was constantly struggling. 

The more I tried to stay “in control”, resisting coming back into the virtues my children exhibited – trust, forgiveness, openness – the more my relationship with them suffered. 

The relationship with my children was testing me in my truth each and every day. 

I wasn’t able to see that my need to meet the expectations of others was tied to my own sense of worthiness. So I was continuing to over function as I sought love and approval from those around me.

Through years of deep process and support, I became much more aligned with my true self – which indeed, is a forever journey! 

I am grateful to have had the opportunity to be taught by some of the greatest teachers in this field, including Wayne Dyer, Dr. Gordon Neufeld, Dr. Shefali, Dr. Gabor Mate and many more. I have also explored dozens of modalities and meet hundreds of healers and coaches to bring in the support of those who have also walked the path. 

Today I’ve become the mother I had never anticipated being, due to my own willingness to let go of what was no longer serving. After many years of learning and transforming my own relationship with my children, I’m happy to present this program to other parents in order to support them in their process of change. 

This work brings together perspectives and tools from transpersonal psychology, conscious coaching and energetic healing. We understand that true healing and growth is complex and multi-layered. 

You’ll be a part a bigger community other parents all together supported by an entire ecosystem of incredible teachers, mentors, experts and healers who have walked the path. This team also includes life coaches and conscious parenting guides who will support you through the journey. Together, they offer 100s of years of combined wisdom and experience. You will feel very well supported during what can be a life-altering journey for those who truly commit to it!

We invite you to join us on this journey and walk together to rise to the best version of ourselves. So you can better model for your children what is possible!

You deserve a happier and more fulfilling life. As do your children.

Love and gratitude,
Ashley Avinashi

Transpersonal Psychology- Level 1, Clearmind International
Certified Conscious Parenting Coach
International Best Selling Author – Ignite Your Parenting

Program Structure

Giving your child what they truly need - authentic love and connection

What it really means when a child acts out

What is underneath the anger, tantrums, and unruliness

What does true connection mean? How to connect with your children even in difficult moments?

Mom Playing with Her Kid
Little Girl Hugging her Father

Discovering what projections and fears you carry based on your conditioning

What role do patterns, projections, and paradigms play in parenting 

How to interrupt old patterns and what role does relationship with your own caregivers play in this

How to promote patterns that are healthier and more aligned with your family values

The truth about  the illusions of happiness and the myth of the perfect parent

Little Girl Hugging her Father

Practicing Presence: Deconstructing triggers and nourishing self through mindfulness

What is an inner child and how it is influencing your life? How your inner child might be compromising the relationship with your own children

How to become more present with your children by creating time and space for yourself

Learning how to pause and meditate throughout the day

Teenage Girl Sitting on a Bench at Sunset Time
Mom & Daughter

Creating loving boundaries and offering constructive guidance

Understanding the sovereignty of your children and your role in preserving it.

Guiding your children out of love and not from fear

How to balance between knowing when to give in and when to discipline

What are loving boundaries and how to implement them in ways that help your children thrive

Mom & Daughter

Program Schedule

GBJP- Session Details
$ 500

5.00Pay and register

5.00Pay and register

500.00Pay and register

We know that you have arrived to this page for a reason, and you may be wanting to begin the program right away! We are with you, as the sooner we can start shifting our parents in our parent-child relationship, the sooner everyone begins to thrive. For this reason, this program is an ongoing program. This means that you can get started as soon as you register! 

Upon registration you will receive:

  • 4 modules over a 4 week timeline, with key teachings each week
  • Supplemental videos with practical exercises and tools
  • Access to a private community of experts and parents  

Join our Free Masterclass

What Participants Say


I feel that things may get better on their own. Or with time. Why should I do this work?

There is a great cost to us not being present to our children. We can leave this to hope to luck or create an intention around it and take action. Children need their parents to role model what is possible in life more than ever before, and we know that parents are their best selves when they too are supported on the journey

How much time will I need to set aside?

Be prepared to spend an average of 20-30 minutes a day.

Why would I do this instead of reading a book or listening to a podcast?

The journey of parenting is a continuous one. During your journey as a parent, you will be constantly learning and growing along with a community of experts and parents just like you! Witnessing others in their movement gives us tremendous permission to step out in ways we may not otherwise allow ourselves. In addition, the support you get from a community is also a more personal and tangible one. Books don’t offer the same advantage and communal value.