The Reconnection Project

Genius Babies Joyous Parents


A transformative journey leading to effortless parenting.

Watch your little Geniuses bloom to their best!
Join our diverse community of like-minded parents.

About the Program

Babies Joyous Parents with Dr .Atul and Dr. Arti is a crystallization of five two decades of their professional experience with parents along with their own personal life experience with their 11year old son, Atulya Yatri. The program successfully integrates traditional parenting styles, suiting the contemporary needs of parents. The program aims to support parents in helping their children live up to their full potential by knowing the need and the methods of creating a growth-promoting environment. By default, babies are born Geniuses and the opportunity to allow their Genius to manifest is their birthright. None other than the primary and most influential people in their lives – the parents – can do this through conscious effort and professional guidance. Genius Babies Joyous Parents took birth as a structured workshop for parents in 2005. This workshop is an eyeopener, a process, and a very thorough platform to support parents who are beginning their parenting journey or are in the early stages of parenthood.

About the Program

Babies Joyous Parents with Dr .Atul and Dr. Arti is a crystallization of five two decades of their professional experience with parents along with their own personal life experience with their 11year old son, Atulya Yatri. The program successfully integrates traditional parenting styles, suiting the contemporary needs of parents. The program aims to support parents in helping their children live up to their full potential by knowing the need and the methods of creating a growth-promoting environment. By default, babies are born Geniuses and the opportunity to allow their Genius to manifest is their birthright. None other than the primary and most influential people in their lives – the parents – can do this through conscious effort and professional guidance. Genius Babies Joyous Parents took birth as a structured workshop for parents in 2005. This workshop is an eyeopener, a process, and a very thorough platform to support parents who are beginning their parenting journey or are in the early stages of parenthood.

About the Program

Babies Joyous Parents with Dr .Atul and Dr. Arti is a crystallization of five two decades of their professional experience with parents along with their own personal life experience with their 11year old son, Atulya Yatri. The program successfully integrates traditional parenting styles, suiting the contemporary needs of parents. The program aims to support parents in helping their children live up to their full potential by knowing the need and the methods of creating a growth-promoting environment. By default, babies are born Geniuses and the opportunity to allow their Genius to manifest is their birthright. None other than the primary and most influential people in their lives – the parents – can do this through conscious effort and professional guidance. Genius Babies Joyous Parents took birth as a structured workshop for parents in 2005. This workshop is an eyeopener, a process, and a very thorough platform to support parents who are beginning their parenting journey or are in the early stages of parenthood.

How does it work?

Every child is born with multiple intellectual capabilities, which need to be recognized, allowed and nurtured by parents. A process of effortless learning by the children, witnessed by parents, devoid of rigour or stress. Through automatic muscle memory exercises, the brain can be stimulated effectively only in the first few years of life. The approach and activities suggested for parents, work in tandem to stimulate cellular level intelligence in
children. Following these, parents can create a beautiful learning environment for their children to flourish to the maximum of their genius capabilities. The program confidently claims an output with children who are able to tap into their true and vast potential. They are superbly intelligent, active and quick thinkers, more engaged with life, completely in-charge and successful in their personal and social life. As a result, parents are often content and joyous. So far, the results have been encouraging, motivating us to reach out to more and more parents. The more conscious, joyous and focused parents we have, the more powerful our future generations will be.

Framework of the program

Every child is born with multiple intellectual capabilities, which need to be recognized, allowed and nurtured by parents. A process of effortless learning by the children, witnessed by parents, devoid of rigour or stress. Through automatic muscle memory exercises, the brain can be stimulated effectively only in the first few years of life. The approach and activities suggested for parents, work in tandem to stimulate cellular level intelligence in
children. Following these, parents can create a beautiful learning environment for their children to flourish to the maximum of their genius capabilities. The program confidently claims an output with children who are able to tap into their true and vast potential. They are superbly intelligent, active and quick thinkers, more engaged with life, completely in-charge and successful in their personal and social life. As a result, parents are often content and joyous. So far, the results have been encouraging, motivating us to reach out to more and more parents. The more conscious, joyous and focused parents we have, the more powerful our future generations will be.

About the Mentors

Dr. Atul Abhyankar is a passionate homeopath with a dedication to helping his clients heal. Dr. Aarti Supekar is an ayurvedic physician who specializes in healing massages. With an intense need to help children, they discovered their true calling in early childhood parenting. Over the years, they have refined their unique mentorship by supporting parents of small children from the very foundational level. It has been a constant effort to figure out ways of enabling a Genius Baby to live up to his/her true potential through tools, training, understanding parents and their needs related to parenting.

Dr. Atul and Dr. Aarti’s lives are a living example of what they believe. In catering to the needs of their child, they with stood the biggest challenge by unschooling him. Their strength lies in the unshakeable trust in the principles they have advocated for parents over all these years.

About the Mentors

Dr. Atul Abhyankar is a passionate homeopath with a dedication to helping his clients heal. Dr. Aarti Supekar is an ayurvedic physician who specializes in healing massages. With an intense need to help children, they discovered their true calling in early childhood parenting. Over the years, they have refined their unique mentorship by supporting parents of small children from the very foundational level. It has been a constant effort to figure out ways of enabling a Genius Baby to live up to his/her true potential through tools, training, understanding parents and their needs related to parenting.

Dr. Atul and Dr. Aarti’s lives are a living example of what they believe. In catering to the needs of their child, they with stood the biggest challenge by unschooling him. Their strength lies in the unshakeable trust in the principles they have advocated for parents over all these years.

About the Mentors

Dr. Atul Abhyankar is a passionate homeopath with a dedication to helping his clients heal. Dr. Aarti Supekar is an ayurvedic physician who specializes in healing massages. With an intense need to help children, they discovered their true calling in early childhood parenting. Over the years, they have refined their unique mentorship by supporting parents of small children from the very foundational level. It has been a constant effort to figure out ways of enabling a Genius Baby to live up to his/her true potential through tools, training, understanding parents and their needs related to parenting.

Dr. Atul and Dr. Aarti’s lives are a living example of what they believe. In catering to the needs of their child, they with stood the biggest challenge by unschooling him. Their strength lies in the unshakeable trust in the principles they have advocated for parents over all these years.

Program Structure

Divided into 12 core sessions + Special sessions as per the need of the batch, GBJP takes the parents on a journey to discover the ten types of intelligence.

1. Linguistic Intelligence:

The ability of human beings to learn and use a language is incredible! In this module, we will understand the ways by which we are equipped to enhance this ability in our children. We will evaluate the importance of languages as a tool to communicate and connect with others, benefits of early exposure to languages for children and the ease and possibilities of learning multiple languages.

2. Musical Intelligence:

Life without music can be so dull. In this module, we will understand the impact of music on human beings at various stages of life, especially human babies and how bringing music into routine life can be wonderfully energizing. There are simple practices that can help us and our babies tune into quality music and thus promote the functioning of the right side of their brain.

3. Visual and Spatial Intelligence:

The importance of picture reading and the capacity to discriminate objects by identifying their properties helps the child to connect with the living and non-living environment. We guide parents to ensure that this ability of human babies can be put to optimal use. Developing core capacities including mental imagery, spatial reasoning, and active imagination is what you will learn here.

4. Kinesthetic Intelligence:

The human body is an amazingly intelligent and harmonious unit, operating at cellular level intelligence with trillions of cells. The focus is on bringing all-round development in all three areas to help the physical development of children.

(a) Mobility from one place to another
(b) Manual use of ten fingers for creative expression and
(c) Balance in a variety of actions.

5. Mathematical Intelligence:

In this module, you will know exactly why, how, where and when to introduce mathematics to children. This will help multiply logical thinking, reasoning brain of children and connect them to numbers with their daily lives.

6. Emotional Intelligence:

You’ll learn the recipe to create shifts in the way you understand emotions. By understanding and smoothly handling the many spontaneous expressions of children such as crying, tantrums, vehement demands, obstinacy and irritability, you as a parent can be in full control of your life, its changes and challenges.

7. Spiritual Intelligence

The module is your access to experience happiness for no palpable reason. We generally don’t use our five senses for our inner experiential world and you will find out why it is necessary and the solutions for the same. Conscious attention to shape this inner experiential world will help create a strong and solid overall feeling of pride in the person you are, which you will see gets reflected in your children.

8. Creative and Artistic Intelligence:

You will acknowledge exactly how habitually one’s thinking is limited to their comfort zone. To break out of this mundane routine, you will develop a system for your babies to get creative and successfully process the ideas that come to you. Together, we aim to understand how the right side of the brain can be trained to tap into the children’s artistic and creative personalities.

9. Naturalistic Intelligence

You will learn about the connection humans have to nature as we are a small part of its supreme existence. Naturalist intelligence designates human ability and sensitivity to the vast natural world. You will be guided to see the depth and the extent of its impact on your babies’ lives with the parallel effect of your own re-orientation towards the natural states of everything as part of being natural.

10. Intuitive Intelligence:

We will help you understand that intuition is not accidental by looking for clues and witnessing this intelligence in action. You will understand the realms of reality and imagination, reason and instinct, material and spiritual dimensions of human existence. This particular intelligence is non-linear and of new importance for success in the changing economy

11. Digital Intelligence (Bonus Module)

Coming generations are going to grow up with technology all ubiquitous around them. We would explore some aspects of technology that would help us understand how we can help our children be masters rather than slaves of it which is what our biggest fears are deep down inside. We would also look at how we can give them a healthy, constructive exposure early on.

Program Structure

Divided into 12 core sessions + Special sessions as per the need of the batch, GBJP takes the parents on a journey to discover the ten types of intelligence.

1. Linguistic Intelligence

The ability of human beings to learn and use a language is incredible! In this module, we will understand the ways by which we are equipped to enhance this ability in our children. We will evaluate the importance of languages as a tool to communicate and connect with others, benefits of early exposure to languages for children and the ease and possibilities of learning multiple languages.

2. Musical Intelligence:

Life without music can be so dull. In this module, we will understand the impact of music on human beings at various stages of life, especially human babies and how bringing music into routine life can be wonderfully energizing. There are simple practices that can help us and our babies tune into quality music and thus promote the functioning of the right side of their brain.

3. Visual and Spatial Intelligence:

The importance of picture reading and the capacity to discriminate objects by identifying their properties helps the child to connect with the living and non-living environment. We guide parents to ensure that this ability of human babies can be put to optimal use. Developing core capacities including mental imagery, spatial reasoning, and active imagination is what you will learn here.

4. Kinesthetic Intelligence

The human body is an amazingly intelligent and harmonious unit, operating at cellular level intelligence with trillions of cells. The focus is on bringing all-round development in all three areas to help the physical development of children.

(a) Mobility from one place to another
(b) Manual use of ten fingers for creative expression and
(c) Balance in a variety of actions.

5. Mathematical Intelligence

In this module, you will know exactly why, how, where and when to introduce mathematics to children. This will help multiply logical thinking, reasoning brain of children and connect them to numbers with their daily lives.

6. Emotional Intelligence:

You’ll learn the recipe to create shifts in the way you understand emotions. By understanding and smoothly handling the many spontaneous expressions of children such as crying, tantrums, vehement demands, obstinacy and irritability, you as a parent can be in full control of your life, its changes and challenges.

7. Spiritual Intelligence

The module is your access to experience happiness for no palpable reason. We generally don’t use our five senses for our inner experiential world and you will find out why it is necessary and the solutions for the same. Conscious attention to shape this inner experiential world will help create a strong and solid overall feeling of pride in the person you are, which you will see gets reflected in your children.

8. Creative and Artistic Intelligence

You will acknowledge exactly how habitually one’s thinking is limited to their comfort zone. To break out of this mundane routine, you will develop a system for your babies to get creative and successfully process the ideas that come to you. Together, we aim to understand how the right side of the brain can be trained to tap into the children’s artistic and creative personalities.

9. Naturalistic Intelligence

You will learn about the connection humans have to nature as we are a small part of its supreme existence. Naturalist intelligence designates human ability and sensitivity to the vast natural world. You will be guided to see the depth and the extent of its impact on your babies’ lives with the parallel effect of your own re-orientation towards the natural states of everything as part of being natural.

10. Intuitive Intelligence

We will help you understand that intuition is not accidental by looking for clues and witnessing this intelligence in action. You will understand the realms of reality and imagination, reason and instinct, material and spiritual dimensions of human existence. This particular intelligence is non-linear and of new importance for success in the changing economy

11. Digital Intelligence (Bonus Module)

Coming generations are going to grow up with technology all ubiquitous around them. We would explore some aspects of technology that would help us understand how we can help our children be masters rather than slaves of it which is what our biggest fears are deep down inside. We would also look at how we can give them a healthy, constructive exposure early on.

10. Intuitive Intelligence

We will help you understand that intuition is not accidental by looking for clues and witnessing this intelligence in action. You will understand the realms of reality and imagination, reason and instinct, material and spiritual dimensions of human existence. This particular intelligence is non-linear and of new importance for success in the changing economy

Worth Remembering

Nothing is more valuable than giving a solid and firm foundation to children at the very onset of their lives. It is worth remembering that wherever we are in the present, we are trying to do our best.

Most of us are successful in handling a few areas or challenges of parenting. For some of us, we built a successful career and earned a lot of money, which is an accomplishment. But it’s one that often comes at the expense of other areas of life. Maybe, we neglected our marriage along the way and ruined it. Or ignored our physical health and damaged our bodies. Or we weren’t there for our children when they really needed us because we simply didn’t have the time. Some of us are wonderful parents. There are parents who live their lives through their children, neglecting their own emotional and spiritual and intellectual needs. There are others, who have a handle on their spiritual life and their intellectual life, but never really figured out career and finances. A result of which is a life of perpetual lack and stress. All these are instances of one-dimensional success, which is worthless if we suffer in other areas of life.

Unfortunately, this is what our education system prepared us for. You see; you did everything you were supposed to do. You followed the formula. And you still don’t HAVE ITALL. Because the truth is…you want it all. You want excellence, success, and fulfillment in every area of life. Moreover, not only do you want it all, but you want the bandwidth to also enjoy it all.

This is the REAL WIN – that is SO RARE. The feeling of being stuck, blocked or anything less than what we are designed to be is certainly not a good feeling..right?

Wouldn’t it be nice to explore a system of exploring the human potential in its fullest dimension? Won’t it be a significant addition to your own life and the lives of your children?

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Frequently Asked Questions

Who should join the program?

Any parents with children up to 8 years old children. But the recommendation is the earlier you start in your parenting journey the wider and deeper is the effect i.e. from the planning stage.

Is it ok for only one of the parents to join?
This is a program for parent couples. We highly recommend attending together for it to be most effective. But if that is not possible, then even one parent attending can make a huge difference to the parenting and in turn families evolving.
What if we have some plans for one or two slots of the schedule but could attend the rest?
Session recordings will be available along with the presentations, provided we know it beforehand that you are going to be absent for a particular session on a rare occasion for an unavoidable reason. Along with this, there are spaces held for all to review the topics covered earlier along with other support systems in place such as the following group discussions, which would cover the topic for you again. Of course, there is also the group community online where you can get your doubts/queries resolved after revisiting the session recording.
What is the nature of these sessions?
It would be a 90-min long live zoom call. The sessions will serve as door-openers to understanding what needs to happen in the company of a Genius children while they grow around us (taking shape). But the learnings are not limited to sessions. A lot will happen based on your real-life experiences by practicing the tools, techniques and processes shared. And importantly, from exchanging these experiences with other parents in the program as well.


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